naked city spleen by miru kim

richmond-power_philly-pa-01richmond power_philadelphia, pa

les-catacombes-de-paris_03 les catacombes_paris, france

richmond-power_philly-pa-02 richmond power_philadelphia, pa

glenwood_yonkers-ny glenwood_yonkers, ny

freedom-tunnel_nyc-ny_03 freedom tunnel_new york city, ny (images from mirukim naked city)

"I wanted to put something else in there.  A living thing"..."She's small and naked and human, and all around her is hard, cold, sharp, and dirty, and everything is in ruins" -Miru Kim realizing there was something missing from her photos...

Photographer, Miru Kim, took these beautiful photographs of a nude model in these really incredible, abandoned, industrial spaces or ruins that I think are pretty spectacular. The composition, texture, light, and setting of each photo is amazing and sometimes surreal.  Prints are available for purchase on her site as well as more photos just like these taken at other locations.  I also found an article at Esquire that describes the experiences while shooting at these locations.  (Thanks Hannah for the great find!!)