design glut @ ICFF

egg pants 01egg pants

egg pants 02 egg pants

switchplates cubic electric switchplates

hookmaker hookmaker

Really loved Design Glut (Kegan Fisher and Liz Kinnmarkt) at the show this year!  Their stuff is really creative and useful as well as nicely designed.  "Egg pants" are sooo cute and keeps your eggs from falling over.  The "cubic electric switchplates" are fun for  your light switches and electric outlets and play tricks on your eyes.  "Hookmaker" is a playful way to store and hang small things you have around.  The "Dow Jones Hanky" is a hankerchief with the graph of the Dow's last 5 years.  You can also have the hankies custom embroidered with your personal portfolio too.  All these can be purchased on their site.

(images by: vivien chin )

design glut_dow jones hanky dow jones hanky (image from Design Glut)