
Rollercoasters, mythology, flying furniture, birds, and tessellated seafoam vinyl cutouts weaving their way across this storefront in Newark, NJ as part of "Activate: Market Street".

Recent installation by my lovely and very talented friend, Raylene Gorum.  Glad to have played a small part in making it happen.  It's whimsy will mesmerize.  Check it out while you can.  Find Gallery Aferro to find your way to this installation. 


(images by: vivien chin) 


Description from the artist: 

"Cassandra" is the title of my crashing wave, floating roller coaster installation in Newark, NJ. It commemorates the year anniversary of the devastating storm Sandy. I wanted to capture the sheer power of the waters. It is titled "Cassandra" in honor of the mythological beauty with the power to see the future but curse of not being believed. An apt analogy for our current climate conditions. 

Cassandra appears as a very small figure prominently placed at street level but quietly hidden in a prayer like position in a suspended tangle between the chaos of waves crashing down from above and the detritus floating out below. To me, she is hoping for the best for our future.

Wikimythology: She spent a night at Apollo's temple, at which time the temple snakes licked her ears clean so that she was able to hear the future. When Cassandra refused Apollo's attempted seduction, he placed a curse on her so that her predictions and those of all her descendants would not be believed.


Posted on November 6, 2013 and filed under art & architecture.